Is there anything worse than coming home to find that your house has flooded because of a burst pipe? Water damage restoration is one of our most requested services in winter because of frozen pipes. Though we’d love to meet you, we’d rather keep you from dealing with the hassle of burst pipes altogether! Here are 5 simple things you can do to prevent your pipes from freezing and bursting in cold weather.

How will I know if my pipes have frozen? 

Before your pipes burst, they freeze. The flood that ends up ruining your flooring, cabinets, and more comes from pipes that have burst from freezing and then defrosted, releasing water into your home. If you can catch your pipes while they’re frozen but haven’t yet burst, you may be able to save yourself from calling us for water damage restoration.

If you turn on a faucet in your house and nothing comes out, your pipes are probably frozen. But you may be able to avoid disaster by opening all the taps in the house, cranking up the heat, and allowing the heat from your house to travel into the pipes, defrosting them. Pipes that freeze don’t always burst – so you may get lucky. Act fast!

  1. Leave the heat on while you’re gone – Considering how much it can cost to repair a burst pipe and undergo flood damage restoration, turning the heat off when you go on vacation is not really a great way to save money! If you’re not going to be home for a while, such as when on vacation, we recommend keeping the heat on at least 45-50 degrees Fahrenheit while you’re gone to keep your pipes from bursting.
  2. Insulate outside taps – Cover your exterior faucets and pipes with winterizing wraps sold at hardware stores. The ones for pipes simply wrap around, much like a pool noodle. The ones for outdoor taps secure on with a rubber band. They’re so easy to use and can save you thousands in repair bills.
  3. Open cabinet doors – The heat inside your house is your pipes’ best defense against freezing temperatures. By opening cabinet doors under the kitchen and bathroom sink, you’ll make it easier for heat to reach those pipes and keep them from freezing.
  4. Drip the faucets – On particularly cold nights, leave your faucets dripping to keep warmer water (coming from deep within the ground, which is not cold enough to freeze) moving through your pipes at all times. This water may feel icy cold, but it’s not freezing, and that’s what counts when it comes to keeping your pipes from freezing!
  5. Keep cold areas of your home warm – Many homes have pipes that run through the attic or basement, areas typically not heated by central heat. These areas need to be kept above 32 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent pipes from freezing in these areas. Open the door to your basement or attic and let heat from your home move into these areas on cold nights.

Too late? Need water damage restoration? Call us today! 

The best way to prevent water damage is to keep your pipes from freezing in the first place. The second best way is to schedule water damage restoration fast – by calling us!

Published On: November 30th, 2021 / Categories: Water Damage /